Unit I
Electronic spectra and MO theory of Transition Metal complexes Determining the Energy terms, Spin-orbit (L-S) coupling scheme, Hund’s rule, Hole formalism, Determination of the term symbol (ground and excited states) for d1to d9 configurations, Electronic spectra of transition metal complexes, Laporte ‘orbital’ selection rule, spin selection rule. Orgel diagrams for octahedral metal complexes. Charge transfer spectra, Racah parameters, calculations of 10Dq, B, β parameters. Tanabe- Sugano Diagrams of octahedral complexes with d2 and d8  configuration. M.O. Theory for octahedral, tetrahedral and square planar complexes with andwithout π-bonding.
Unit II
A) Boron hydrides: Classification, nomenclature, structure, bonding and topology of boranes, 4-digit
coding (s, t, y, x) numbers for higher boranes and their utilities. Chemistry of diboranes: Study of
Carboranes and Metallocarboranes with reference to preparations and structures.
B) Metal-Metal bonds: Occurrence of metal-metal bond, Classification of metal clusters, Binuclear,
trinuclear, tetranuclear, pentanuclear and hexanuclear with reference to halide, oxide, alkoxide
and acetate clusters.
Unit III
A) Metal – Ligand Equilibria in Solution: Stepwise and overall formation constants; trends in
stepwise formation constants; factors affecting stability of metal complexes with reference to nature
of metal ion, ligand, chelate effect and thermodynamic origin. Determination of formation constant
(1) spectrophotometric method (Job’s and Mole ratio method)
(2) Potentiometric method (Irving-Rossotti Method)
B) Reaction Mechanism of Transition metal complexes-I: Energy Profile of a reaction, reactivity
of metal complexes, Inert and Labile complexes, Kinetics of Octahedral substitution: Acid
hydrolysis, factors affecting acid hydrolysis, Stereochemistry of intermediates in SN1 and SN2, Base
hydrolysis, Conjugate base mechanism, Direct and indirect evidences in favour of conjugate
mechanism, Annation reaction, reaction without metal-ligand bond breaking.
Unit IV
A) Metal carbonyls: EAN concept and 18-electron rule for metal carbonyls, Structure and bonding,
vibrational spectra of metal carbonyls for bonding and structure elucidation, important reaction of metal carbonyls. Metal carbonyl clusters with reference to classification, synthesis and structures.
B) Metal nitrosyls: Nitrosylating agents for synthesis of metal nitrosyls, vibrational spectra and X-ray
diffraction studies of transition metal nitrosyls for bonding and structure elucidation, important
reactions of transition metal nitrosyls, structure and bonding. Dinitrogen and dioxygen complexes.