Basics of Environmental Science

A. Introduction of Environmental Science: Definition, Types, Classification, Characteristics, Components and principles of environment. Scope and need for environmental science, Multidisciplinary nature of environmental science, Environmental ethics. B. Environmental Education: Goals, Objectives and principles of environmental education, formal and non-formal environmental education, environmental programme, importance of environmental education, environmental awareness. C. Components of Environment: Atmosphere (Structure and composition),hydrosphere – distribution of water, hydrological cycle, global water balance, lithosphere – Internal structure of Earth, types of rocks, BiosphereBoundaries of biosphere.


Basics of Atmospheric Science

A. Atmospheric Chemistry: Structure of atmosphere based on temperature, photochemical reaction in the atmosphere, temperature inversion and lapse rate, smog formation, types of smog (sulphur and photochemical smog), adverse effect of smog on human being, aerosol. B. Green House Effect: Greenhouse gases, relative contribution and effects of greenhouse effect, control of greenhouse gases. Ozone depletion: chemistry of ozone depletion, Dobson Unit, ozone depleting substances (ODS), ozone hole, consequences of ozone depletion, mitigation measures and international protocols. C. Acid Rain: Chemistry of Acid Rain, effect of acid rain on ecosystem, control measures. Precipitation – Forms of

precipitation (rain, drizzle, snow, sleet, and hail), types of precipitation (conventional, orographic, and cyclonic).


Basics of Ecology

A. Ecology: Definition, subdivision and modern branches of ecology, ecology spectrum, scope of ecology. Application and significance of ecology to human beings. B. Abiotic Factors: Temperature: effect of temperature on plants and animals, Adaptation to meet extreme temperature. Light: Zonation in marine habitat, effects of light on plants and animals, Microclimate and fire, Shelford law of tolerance, Leibigs law of minimum. C. Biotic Factor: Inter specific relationship Positive: Mutualism (symbiosis),

commensalism, proto- cooperation Negative: Parasitism, predation, competition, Antibiosis, Neutralism.


Ecosystems and food chain

A. Ecosystem: Definition, structure and function of ecosystem, types of ecosystem: Terrestrial (forest, grassland, desert, cropland), Aquatic (Marine and freshwater) B. Food chain: Definition & types: Grazing food chain, detritus food chain, and parasitic food chain, food web in forest and grassland ecosystem. Ecological pyramids (number biomass and energy), energy flow in ecosystem (Y-shaped). Energy flow and the law of thermodynamics. C. Biogeochemical Cycles: Definition, classification, gaseous cycle

(oxygen, carbon and nitrogen) Sedimentary cycle (phosphorus and sulphur).